Lithuanian-Polish interconnection LitPol Link energized

First tests of the Lithuanian-Polish interconnection LitPol Link have been carried out, and for the first time electricity flowed through the wires of the power line stretching from Elk in Poland to Alytus in Lithuania, in order to check whether the line is ready for power transmission.


First tests of the Lithuanian-Polish interconnection LitPol Link have been carried out, and for the first time electricity flowed through the wires of the power line stretching from Elk in Poland to Alytus in Lithuania, in order to check whether the line is ready for power transmission.

Next in line is testing of the HVDC back-to-back converter station, followed by the testing of the whole interconnector, reports Energy Business Review.

The LitPol Link power connection consists of three elements — HVDC power transmission line, HVDC back-to-back converter station in Alytus, and two transformer substations in both countries.

The link that will connect power transmission infrastructures of Lithuania and Western Europe for the first time will have a capacity of 500 MW.

Source: Energy Business Review