New transformers to be installed as part of Ginna retirement plan

USA, New York: Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) filed with the New York State Public Service Commission a report on what it is doing, and plans to do, in case the Ginna Nuclear Plant of Exelon is retired later this decade.


USA, New York: Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) filed with the New York State Public Service Commission a report on what it is doing, and plans to do, in case the Ginna Nuclear Plant of Exelon is retired later this decade.

The Ginna Retirement Transmission Alternative (GRTA) involves several projects to solve reliability problems caused by the retirement of Ginna, which also include power transformer replacements at Station 122 345 kV, and three new power transformers with Normal LTE/STE rating 494/603/630 MVA, reports Generation Hub.

The report states that “the upgrade of Station 122 transformers will be done in combination with a reconfiguration of the station from the ring bus to breaker-and-a-half arrangement. The Station 122 reconfiguration ensures that only one bulk transformer can be lost in a single contingency.”

The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant located in Ontario, New York ceased to be economic to operate in the current power market following the expiration last year of a long-term contract to supply power to Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E).

Plans to potentially retire the plant due to insufficient revenues were communicated to the New York ISO and RG&E in January 2014.

Source: Generation Hub