US DOE issues energy conservation program

USA, Washington D.C.: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a proposal under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act that a person importing into the United States any covered product or equipment, including power transformers, subject to an applicable energy conservation standard provide a certification of admissibility to the DOE.


USA, Washington D.C.: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a proposal under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act that a person importing into the United States any covered product or equipment, including power transformers, subject to an applicable energy conservation standard provide a certification of admissibility to the DOE.

Specifically, DOE proposes a requirement that importers of covered products or equipment subject to an applicable energy conservation standard set forth in 10 CFR part 430 or 431 6 and falling under specified classifications of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States 7 provide a certification of admissibility for each shipment of such products or equipment before their arrival at a U.S. port of entry.

The certification would be submitted to DOE through the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).

HTS code for electrical transformers requiring certification of admissibility in 8504.

The full proposal and the requirements set forth can be read here.

Source: Department of Energy