Degraded transformer cables spur inspection at Oconee NPP

USA, South Carolina: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has started a specialized inspection at the Oconee Nuclear Station near Seneca, South Carolina, to assist in assessing degraded power cables on start-up transformers for two of the plant’s three units.


USA, South Carolina: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has started a specialized inspection at the Oconee Nuclear Station near Seneca, South Carolina, to assist in assessing degraded power cables on start-up transformers for two of the plant’s three units.

Following discovery of a cable disconnected from the Unit 3 start-up transformer last month, other cables linked to the Unit 1 start-up transformer were discovered to be degraded. The cables have all been repaired, and the transformers are available if needed at the plant, the NRC statement said, reports GSA Business

According to the senior resident inspector, Oconee uses off-site power and is more reliant on the start-up transformers for safety work than some other nuclear plants that use emergency diesel generators.

The NRC inspection work includes reviewing what caused the degradation and failure of the cables, and the utility’s actions after the conditions were identified.

Oconee started operating in 1973 and is Duke Energy’s second-oldest nuclear plant.

Source: GSA Business