EU ministers meet to discuss anti-dumping measures

Belgium, Brussels: Today at the Competitiveness Council in Brussels, EU industry ministers from across Europe will discuss actions to actively support the European steel industry to enable the sector to compete on a fair and level playing field within the global market.


Belgium, Brussels: Today at the Competitiveness Council in Brussels, EU industry ministers from across Europe will discuss actions to actively support the European steel industry to enable the sector to compete on a fair and level playing field within the global market.

At the meeting, ministers will have the opportunity to tackle measures that will stem the tsunami of under-priced, unfairly traded steel notably from China flooding into Europe, the European Steel Association, EUROFER, said in a statement.

The most important step the Council can take in relation to anti-dumping actions, is by taking up its responsibility and swiftly agreeing on the lifting of the Lesser-Duty-Rule (LDR) as proposed by the Commission (April 2013) and supported by the European Parliament (February 2014).

Some Member States continue to block an agreement within the Council to remove this outdated Rule.

“By blocking the lifting of the Lesser-Duty-Rule, these Member States deliberately deprive the European steel sector of the chance to receive effective and legitimate remedy against massive dumping. It is vital that improvements in current anti-dumping practices and reform of the current framework are pursued in parallel”, says EUROFER Director General Axel Eggert.