First 315 MVA “Make in India” GSU transformer tested and 10 ordered

India, New Delhi: India’s largest power utility NTPC has ordered 10 single-phase generator step-up (GSU) transformers of the rating 315 MVA, 23.5 kV or 420 kV, which are the largest GSU transformers produced within the “Make in India” initiative.


India, New Delhi: India’s largest power utility NTPC has ordered 10 single-phase generator step-up (GSU) transformers of the rating 315 MVA, 23.5 kV or 420 kV, which will be thus far the largest GSU transformers produced within the “Make in India” initiative.

The transformers, to be manufactured by Siemens Limited, have been ordered for NTPC’s Kudgi Super Thermal Power Station in Bijapur, Karnataka, reports New Karala.

The manufacturer has successfully tested the first single-phase 315 MVA, 420 kV generator transformer at its Kalwa factory, while the short circuit withstand test has been performed at KEMA Laboratories in the Netherlands.

Source: New Kerala