Lenenergo upgrades substation in Tosnensky District

Lenenergo experts have completed the complex reconstruction of the Tosno substation in the Leningrad Oblast (region), Russia, as part of the power transformer replacement programme.




Lenenergo experts have completed the complex reconstruction of the Tosno substation in the Leningrad Oblast (region), Russia, as part of the power transformer replacement programme.

The upgrade was planned to increase the reliability of electricity supply in the Region and to connect new consumers to the energy supply. After the Tosno substation upgrade, this will be possible through the improvement of power supply reliability and improved connectivity options for the new consumers.  

Complex reconstruction of the station was part of the programme developed and implemented by Lenenergo in 2012 within the period of 8 years, which was designed to modernise the energy supply in the Region. The programme particularly focused on the replacement of power transformers.

Over the last two years, 35 substations had new power transformers installed and by the end of the implementation, Lenenergo intends to install 215 new transformers. This will be a third of all power transformers currently in operation within the Region.

Source: Delayt Novosti