South Australia power transformers under threat of overheating

The Australian Energy Market Operator continues to monitor electricity supply and consumption due to elevated demand during the heat wave enveloping southern Australia.




The Australian Energy Market Operator continues to monitor electricity supply and consumption due to elevated demand during the heat wave enveloping southern Australia.

The extreme weather conditions have prompted warnings of the potential that large users could lose electricity supplies on Thursday and Friday due to power transformers overheating. AEMO warned of power cuts to industrial and commercial users yesterday in order to avoid generalised outages.

According to AEMO, the electricity demand will likely exceed 10,000 MW in Victoria on Thursday and Friday – well above the usual level of around 6600MW at this time of the year. Such extended hot weather conditions may cause power transformers to overheat, which would affect the supply.

‘‘When there is a shortfall in the electricity supply, there can be a need to reduce demand very quickly to an acceptable level, or risk the entire electricity network becoming unstable,’’ AEMO said.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald