Two new transformers in Villa Hayes substation leak oil

Two of the eight 500 kV transformers installed in substation (SEVH) lose oil, revealed National Electricity Administration (ANDE ) last week. Service technicians were called in to inspect the manufacturer’s faults.




Two of the eight 500 kV transformers installed in substation (SEVH) lose oil, revealed  National Electricity Administration (ANDE ) last week. Service technicians were called in to inspect the manufacturer’s faults.

Investment in Villa Hayes substation, Paraguay was about $ 104 million. Itaipu awarded the contracts in 2011 to ABB in Brazil and Paraguayan Electromechanical Engineering Consortium (CIE).

There had been several reports of problems prior to system being enabled. ANDE has published technical notes pointing to each problem in the transformers. Itaipu assured that previous damages had been repaired and the system was working optimally. However, just over three months after inauguration of the substation, the oil leaks have occurred.

The energisation of the system was completed in early October and up to now, the line can only transmit 600 MVA – half of its total 1200 MVA capacity. All the capacity will be in usage in 2016 after the additional work on the substation is completed.

Source: ABC Color