New TESTRANO 600 test system: Compact, powerful, unique.

New test system TESTRANO 600: Compact, powerful, unique. Quick and easy three-phase testing of power transformers Austria, Klaus: With TESTRANO 600, OMICRON has developed the world’s first portable, three-phase test system, which supports all common electrical tests on power transformers.


Austria, Klaus: With TESTRANO 600, OMICRON has developed the world’s first portable, three-phase test system, which supports all common electrical tests on power transformers.

Weighing just 20 kg/44 lbs, it is ideal for routine and diagnostic testing on-site and during factory ac-ceptance tests (FAT). In addition, its innovative design significantly reduces wiring efforts, cutting down testing time to one third compared to conventional single-phase testing.

One system – multiple tests

With TESTRANO 600, operators need just one common setup to perform multiple tests, such as trans-former turns ratio, exciting current, DC winding resistance, dynamic resistance, short-circuit imped-ance / leakage reactance as well as frequency response of stray losses (FRSL). By combining it with the accessory CP TD1, it can also test power/dissipation factor and capacitance up to 12 kV.

The magic number “3”

In order to work with TESTRANO 600, just three cables have to be connected: One to the high-voltage side, one to the low-voltage side and one to the tap changer. Three integrated sources ensure meas-urements with high accuracy and make TESTRANO 600 a powerful test system (3x 33 A DC and 400 V AC). Compared to conventional single-phase test sets, a true three-phase test system offers several advantages, such as shorter testing times when energizing all three phases at once, and a fully auto-mated control of the tap changer during testing.

Find out more about TESTRANO 600