Faulty transformer shipped from South Africa to Brazil

Afriguide has moved a faulty transformer from South Africa to Brazil for repair.


Afriguide has moved a faulty transformer from South Africa to Brazil for repair.

The transformer weighing 85.2 tonnes and measuring 5.2 x 4 x 4.8 meters was collected from its installed position at an inland substation and transferred to a road trailer by jacking and skidding from the plinth, reports Break Bulk.

“Adding to the complexity of moving such a large piece of cargo was the fact that it was to be shipped on a regular container carrier vessel to Brazil. The vessel was not sufficiently geared for the main lift and neither were the shore gantries at the terminal capable of lifting the piece, so another solution was called for,” said Brad Stephens, director of Afriguide Logistics.

The transformer was loaded at a breakbulk quayside in another area of the port with a 200-tonne floating crane and ferried to the vessel for loading from the seaward side using a specially prepared bed of flatracks and dunnage.

Source: Break Bulk