Idaho’s old lower power plant revived with a new transformer

USA, Idaho: Idaho Falls Power has finished rebuilding its old lower hydropower plant, which stopped operating after an electrical failure in its transformer in 2011.


USA, Idaho: Idaho Falls Power has finished rebuilding its old lower hydropower plant, which stopped operating after an electrical failure in its transformer in 2011.

The Old Lower Rebuild project, which started in 2014 and cost about $7.2 million to complete, included adding a new transformer and cleaning and repairing its old parts, reports Post Register.

Idaho Falls purchased the plant from Utah Power and Light in the 1930s, which worked during peak spring flows up until the 1980s before a 2011 electrical fault disabled it.

The more than 75-year-old plant will hopefully continue to generate energy for another 75 years, a city news release said, according to Post Register.

Source: Post Register