Berlin Europa-Centre fire might be caused by faulty transformer

Germany, Berlin: A fire broke out on 11 October on the roof of the Europa-Center, a landmark shopping centre in Western Berlin, recognizable by a rotating Mercedes-Benz star, which might have been caused by a faulty transformer, European media report.


Germany, Berlin: A fire broke out on 11 October on the roof of the Europa-Center, a landmark shopping centre in Western Berlin, recognizable by a rotating Mercedes-Benz star, which might have been caused by a faulty transformer, European media report.

The fire, which appears to have engulfed the roof of the building in the Charlottenburg district, was most probably caused by a defect in the transformer station located on the roof of the building, reports World True News, but there are no official confirmations of this.

There were no reports of injuries.

Pictures and video published on social media showed flames and smoke rising from the top of the 20-storey Europa-Center, which was built in the early 1960s after the Berlin Wall was erected.

Source: Reuters, World True News