OMICRON brings the next generation of SFRA test sets to the market

Austria, Klaus: With FRANEO 800, OMICRON has brought the next generation of SFRA test sets to the market.


Austria, Klaus: With FRANEO 800, OMICRON has brought the next generation of SFRA test sets to the market.

Since the IEC 60076-18 and IEEE C57.149 standards were introduced, SFRA has become one of the common electrical tests for detecting winding defects and faults in the mag-netic core of power transformers and its acceptance in the market has increased accord-ingly.

Proven method

As with its established predecessor the FRAnalyzer, FRANEO 800 looks for mechanical and electrical changes within windings, internal contacts, the clamping structure or the trans-former core by analyzing the frequency response. These changes can be caused by shocks, e.g. during transportation, seismic activities or mains power failures such as short circuits. SFRA is the most reliable testing method for recognizing these changes. In addi-tion, it is fast and cost-effective, given that the active component of the transformer does not need to be removed.

Improved hardware

FRANEO 800 has a newly developed and highly robust housing, which is ideally suited for on-site testing. The output voltage is freely adjustable between 0.1 Vpp and 10 Vpp. This means measurements can be easily compared with previous tests – irrespective of the output voltage used to run them. The higher maximum output voltage now even allows users to perform measurements in areas with high levels of interference without any problem. A higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and an improved clamp design assures the reproducibility of the test. The integrated battery also allows tests to be carried out in areas without a power supply.

Find out more about FRANEO 800