Introducing Transformer Life Management Bulletins

Introducing Megger Transformer Life Management (TLM) Bulletins – materials designed to help build the potential of your transformer technical library.




Introducing Megger Transformer Life Management (TLM) Bulletins – materials designed to help build the potential of your transformer technical library.

To aid in the building, growth, maintenance and organization of a library (corporate or personal), Megger has launched a comprehensive series of Transformer Life Management (TLM) bulletins that broadly cover the fundamentals of managing the life of a transformer. The bulletins span topics from moisture in transformers to each of the many electrical tests available to assess the condition of a transformer or instrument transformer. Moisture in transformers, for example, is a huge subject so there is value in overview summary publications that introduce the topic. If you collect all publications you can find on a topic, Megger TLM bulletins would be suitable to place at the front of each collection to introduce and frame that subject.

Megger TLM bulletins include recent and significant developments in the electrical test domain, assuring that students subscribing to your library are informed of the latest, including:

•    Dynamic winding resistance (the variations of and differences in dynamic measurements)
•    Individual temperature correction (ITC)
•    Dielectric frequency response (DFR) for transformers and bushings
•    How to increase the efficiency of testing through test lead management solutions like “One-time Connection” and a true transformer test van
•    Demagnetizing procedures – different approaches

Accessing Transformer Life Management (TLM) Bulletins

In appreciation for your support through the years and because a more informed individual is our best customer, Megger invites you to download a newly featured TLM bulletin each month at no charge to you – every month you will receive an alert as soon as the latest bulletin becomes available. Visit to learn more and start reclaiming the potential of your library today.

Find out more about Megger Transformer Life Management Bulletins