EPE invests 25 million pesos ($ 3 million) in purchasing power transformers

Argentina, Santa Fe: The Provincial Energy Company (EPE) will invest 25 million pesos ($ 3 million) in the purchase of power transformers in order to strengthen power supply, writes Agenciafe.




Argentina, Santa Fe: The Provincial Energy Company (EPE) will invest 25 million pesos ($ 3 million) in the purchase of power transformers in order to strengthen power supply, writes Agenciafe.

The opening of envelopes containing the financial proposals will be held on Thursday in the Santa Fe City.

The proposals will be for the acquisition of 243 power transformers of 160, 315, 630 and 1000 kVA, which will be allocated to Santa, Rosario and Rafaela with the aim to improve the EPE service infrastructure throughout the province.

Delivery times for the official budget will be between 60 and 150 days.

Source: Agenciafe