Nearly 30 US utilities join transmission equipment sharing program

USA: Twenty-eight utilities have recently joined the Regional Equipment Sharing for Transmission Outage Restoration (RESTORE) program, which allows participants to share electricity transmission equipment among utilities to aid in potential disaster recovery efforts.


USA: Twenty-eight U.S. utilities have recently joined the Regional Equipment Sharing for Transmission Outage Restoration (RESTORE) program, which allows participants to share electricity transmission equipment among utilities to aid in potential disaster recovery efforts.

The RESTORE program was established in 2016 to identify and share transmission equipment such as power transformers, which participants can then purchase in the event of a natural disaster or other emergencies within their service area, reports Daily Energy Insider.

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Strategic Transformer Reserve Report to Congress earlier this year highlighted the importance of a strategic transformer reserve. The RESTORE program is consistent with DOE’s recommendation supporting voluntary industry-based options to address the issue.

Source: Daily Energy Insider