7 new transformers to be installed in d’Ighil Ali

Algeria, d’Ighil Ali: The Commune d’Ighil Ali benefited under the emergency programme to introduce seven new power transformers according to the Commune Mayor.




Algeria, d’Ighil Ali: The Commune d’Ighil Ali benefited under the emergency programme to introduce seven new power transformers according to the Commune Mayor.

“The civil engineering steps designed to accommodate transformers have already been carried out for the Ath Moussa and Ath M’sla areas, while the work at the other five locations will be launched shortly.” stated the P/APC.

The introduction of new power transformers, their connection to the grid and commissioning will occur as soon as the preparation work is complete, according to La Depeche de Kabylie. Power distribution will be greatly improved in the capital of d’Ighil Ali which is prone to voltage drops.

One of the d’Ath Saci residents said: “The energy consumption has soared following the numerous connections. This overload of the network gives rise to frequent power interruptions occurring particularly at peak hours.”

The Mayor of d’Ighil Ali stated that these problems will be resolved once the project is complete.

Source: La Depeche de Kabylie