Hydro One transformer station site to be tested for contamination

Canada, Ontario: Clarington council has given a $ 25,000 grant to Enniskillen Community Association in order to help fund a consulting firm’s report on possible contamination of the ground water by transformers.




Canada, Ontario: Clarington council has given a $ 25,000 grant to Enniskillen Community Association in order to help fund a consulting firm’s report on possible contamination of the ground water by transformers.

Hydro One intends to build the $ 270 million giant transformer station to supply power to the Oshawa-Clarington area.

But Hydro One said further studies are unnecessary as appropriate measures have already been taken by conducting field studies and water tests, reports The Star. Hydro One will also need to cooperate for the hired consultant to do testing on the site.

The construction of the station is important for Hydro One as it will be a crucial part of the power system once the aging Pickering nuclear station shuts down. The nuclear station will reach the end if its design life in 2015 and will require a permission to carry on operating.

Hydro One says the site for the new giant transformer station is ideal because it is located at the junction of two existing transmission lines and the alternative location would require the construction of additional lines to connect the station to the grid. The company intends to begin construction of the giant transformer station as soon as necessary permits are obtained.

Source: The Star
Image: Fall Protection Training by Western Area Power (Creative Commons Licence)