Mojana substation energised and soon to be inaugurated

Colombia, Sincelejo: The new substation Mojana in Majagual has been energised and the line between San Marcos and La Sierpe (Majagual) has began operation.




Colombia, Sincelejo: The new substation Mojana in Majagual has been energised and the line between San Marcos and La Sierpe (Majagual) has began operation.

This was confirmed by the company Electricaribe and José Mauricio Santos Diaz, electrical engineer of Departmental Infrastructure, reports El Meridiano.

With this, the quality of power supply service to the residents of the Sucre, Guaranda, Majagual, Achi, Montecristo and Bolivar municipalities will improve. The works are part of the Rural Electrification Programme driven and supported by the Governor ‘s Office and Electricaribe. The Programme which began in 2008, included the construction of the 110 kV line between the substations San Marcos and Mojana as well as the upgrade of Mojana substation with the new power transformer.

Distribution system has been upgraded in the municipalities as well as the associated transformers.

Electricaribe invested COP 39 billion (approx. $ 20 million) in this project  and said that the inauguration of the works will take place soon in the presence of the local and national authorities .

Source: El Meridiano
Image: Some of our party by Victoria Catterson (Creative Commons Licence)