Philippine operator to invest $22M in substation upgrades

DLPC is seeking regulatory approval for the capital expenditure projects they are planning over the next five years ending in 2022.


DAVAO Light and Power Co. (DLPC) is seeking regulatory approval for up to $318 M for the capital expenditure projects they are planning over the next five years ending in 2022.

The item that will receive an upgrade costing $22 M is the P. Reyes substation. The upgrade involves the purchase and installation of an additional unit of a 50 MVA power transformer, construction of three bays 69 kV breaker-and-a-half scheme, laying of power cables, and acquisition and installation of associated materials and equipment in the substation.

The biggest allocation will go to a 13.8 kilovolt (kV) underground distribution system at $31 M, of the items being sought for ERC approval, which the company plans to spend between 2018 and 2021.

The ERC said it found DLPC’s application to be sufficient in form and in substance and the presentation will be held on March 6, 2019 in the agency’s Mindanao office in Davao City.

Source: Business World