Private investors to build Cypriot power plant

Cyfield group said the plant would have the capacity to produce 260 MW and would be able to serve up to a third of the current needs of the country.


Private investors to build Cypriot power plant

Chairman of Cyfield group of companies which will construct the plant, Kyriacos Chrysochos, said the plant would have the capacity to produce 260 MW and would be able to serve up to a third of the current needs of the country.

The station will operate with a new combined cycle technology, with two gas turbines, which will burn natural gas, and a turbine to convert emissions into steam and use it for extra electricity, he said.

The combined cycle gas turbine power station is located on land leased from the Cyprus Ports Authority north of the Evangelos Florakis naval base. At a cost of some $227 M, the plant is due to be completed late 2020 or early 2021.

The power generated from the new plant will be available through the electricity authority’s grid, while the network will be managed by an independent authority, the Cyprus Transmission System Operator.

Source: Cyprus Mail Online