Large transformer damaged in transport in Germany

The transformer at the Wolmirstedter substation in Germany developed a defect during the transport and needs to be repaired before installed.


Germany: The transformer at the Wolmirstedter substation in Germany developed a defect during the transport and needs to be repaired before installed.

The cause of the defect is not yet known, however, the transformer is still attached to the rail-ready wagon and will not be able to continue its journey towards Stendal-West for the moment.

“There were technical problems when transformer was being moved from rail to road,” says 50Hertz spokesman Henrik Beuster.

The workers noticed a mechanical damage on the transformer while offloading it from the rails. The offloading ceased immediately.

This is the fourth and last planned transformer for the Stendal-West substation. The substation was built in 2008 and 2009 as a collector for the wind and solar power coming from the region. Initially the substation went into operation with three transformers, with the fourth transformer being added in its final expansion stage. With the addition, the substation will have 1,400 MW power.

The 315-tonne transformer, which transforms the incoming wind power from 110 kV to 380 kV, is sensitive to shocks.

The transformer repair is expected to take a few days and the preliminary work at the local substation has been cancelled.

Source: Volksstimme