IDGC of North-West to start major electrical equipment maintenance programme in 2014

Russia: IDGC of the North -West (Rosseti Group) will start major repairs work under the maintenance programme in 2014.




Russia: IDGC of the North -West (Rosseti  Group) will start major repairs work under the maintenance programme in 2014.

The programme is formed with the investment of RUB 1.62 billion ($ 45.6 million) and includes repair of the electrical equipment in the grid complex – power transformers, transformer substations, switchgear and cable lines.

The company will repair 9 power transformers within the programme as well as nearly 10,000 km of transmission lines of all voltage classes. Complex repairs will also be carried out on 52 transformer substations.

In the first quarter, the company expects to spend over RUB  170 million ($ 4.8 million), reports Advis. The main stage of the programme will be carried out in the second and third quarters. During this period, the company will have invested around RUB 1.3 billion ($ 36.6 million) in the repairs. 

“Scheduled repairs programme in 2014 will ensure the required level of reliability of electricity supply.” said the head of the Operations, maintenance and repairs department of IDGC of North-West, Oleg Temerov.

Source: Advis