New 230 kV power transmission line in Texas

US, Texas; Entergy Texas has opened its China-Stowell Transmission Project — a new 40 km (25 miles), 230 kV transmission line crossing Southeast Texas.


US, Texas; Entergy Texas has opened its China-Stowell Transmission Project — a new 40 km (25 miles), 230 kV transmission line crossing Southeast Texas.

Additionally, Entergy Texas recently completed an upgrade of another part of the transmission highways of electricity. The company just rebuilt 40 km (25 miles) of the existing 138 kV line from the Newton Bulk substation in Newton to the Leach substation near South Toledo Bend.

Upgrades began in 2018 and the line went into service in May 2019. This project is part of the Western Region Economic Project, which also includes a new 230 kV line in Montgomery and Walker counties.

Over the next three years, Entergy Texas is investing more than $2 B to power the future of Southeast Texas. This includes construction of a new power plant, transmission lines, substations and distribution enhancements to transport electricity to nearly half a million homes and businesses.

Source: Electric, Light & Power