Girl dies after touching live transformer switch

India, Bengaluru: A seven year old girl was electrocuted when she touched a live transformer switch on Saturday while walking with her sister.


India, Bengaluru: A seven year old girl was electrocuted when she touched a live transformer switch on Saturday while walking with her sister.

The transformer was set up just three months ago as a part of the utility agency’s Niranthara Jyothi project, under which three-phase power is supplied to non-agricultural loads in rural areas. The victim and her sister were walking to their uncle’s house at the time of the incident.

As the girl passed by the side of a drain, she came in contact with the transformer switch and sustained electric shocks. She died on her way to the hospital.

Following a complaint from the parents, police booked Bescom officials and the Niranthara Jyothi contractor for accidental death due to criminal negligence. A senior police officer said the transformer switch was usually used by linemen for changing lines and should not be live at a height or distance where a child could touch it. According to an engineer, electricity doesn’t usually pass through the transformer switch and said that the accident probably happened due to technical problem.

Source: Deccan Herald