China builds its first 500 kV submarine power cable

The construction of the 500 kV ultra-high voltage submarine cables laid beneath the Zhoushan Strait in east China's Zhejiang Province was completed on Sunday.


China: The construction of the 500 kV ultra-high voltage submarine cables laid beneath the Zhoushan Strait in east China’s Zhejiang Province was completed on Sunday.

Linking the power grids between Zhoushan and Ningbo city in the province, the 17 km cable is the first domestically made 500 kV submarine cable, and also the world’s first 500 kV cross-linked polyethylene insulated submarine cable.

In addition to the submarine cables, the 500 kV power transmission project also includes building two 380 m power transmission towers in Zhoushan.

“When this project is put into operation, it will fill the gap of Zhoushan’s 500 kV power grid and will expand Zhoushan islands’ transmission capacity by 3.3 times, which will meet the power demands of the construction of the Zhoushan Archipelago New Area and Zhejiang Free Trade Zone and the power demands of the key projects in the next 5 to 10 years,” said Zhang Yi, deputy director of the Zhoushan Municipal Development and Reform Commission.

Source: CGTN