Wyoming approves TransWest transmission project

US, Wyoming: The Wyoming Industrial Siting Council approved the TransWest Express (TWE) Transmission Project.


US, Wyoming: The Wyoming Industrial Siting Council approved the TransWest Express (TWE) Transmission Project.

The long-distance, high-voltage transmission line will reliably deliver large amounts of energy, including cost-saving wind power, to help power homes and businesses across the Western United States.

Wyoming’s approval concludes state permitting and continues the strong momentum for the 1174 km (730 miles) TWE Project, a high voltage direct current (HVDC) and high voltage alternating current (HVAC) system designed to provide Western energy markets with access to diverse wind resources. The Wyoming state permit was granted after the Council found the transmission project complied with all applicable laws and regulations, and would not pose a threat to the environment or area inhabitants, among other key regulatory criteria. Project developer TWE LLC has additional commercial and regulatory steps ahead, but the remaining local permitting and right-of-way acquisition are nearly complete. Project construction is estimated to begin in 2020.

“America’s critical energy infrastructure needs a reboot to efficiently serve the 21st century economy,” said Amy Farrell, senior vice president, Government and Public Affairs, American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). “Good transmission planning and swift permitting at all levels should help our country quickly advance infrastructure projects that are so clearly in the public interest. Moving new transmission projects forward strengthens our national grid by making it more resilient while also creating good jobs and boosting local tax revenues for years to come.”

Source: T&D World