E.On uses virtual reality to train substation workers

E.On has now completely mapped its first high-voltage substation in virtual reality allowing partner companies to be instructed and trained at any location just by wearing VR glasses.


Germany: E.On has now completely mapped its first high-voltage substation in virtual reality (VR) allowing partner companies working in these kinds of systems to be instructed and trained at any location just by wearing appropriate VR glasses therefore significantly increasing instruction’s quality.

After a project phase lasting several months, Bayernwerk, a German network operator within the E.On Group, will use this method of instruction via VR in practice in future and, in doing so, is truly setting new standards within the energy industry.

The first transformer station shown in VR is located in Gebelkofen, a small town in Lower Bavaria. It is one of around 750 substations and switching stations in Bayernwerk’s network area.

Other German E.On network operators such as Avacon, e.dis and HanseWerk, as well as E.On Hungary and the Czech Republic, also use VR elements. Examples of applications include reading meters using data glasses, checking overhead lines, planning, building and replacing network installations and street lighting, as well as recruiting and training. And it’s not only transformer stations that can be viewed virtually: HanseWerk Natur also makes it possible to visit a block-type thermal power station.

Avacon has been using VR for two years now, focusing on recruiting and training: potential applicants can get a realistic impression of the various job profiles in virtual worlds. For trainees, virtual reality is an opportunity to familiarize themselves with different environments and to practice important jobs using interactive elements – all that without any safety risk. Safety trainings in VR are also much more effective than theoretical trainings without practical relevance.

Source: Eletric Light & Power