Kandeh Yumkella joins IEA as an advisor on Africa

Kandeh Yumkella, Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General, will become an advisor to the International Energy Agency on Africa and energy access issues.


Kandeh Yumkella, Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General, will become an advisor to the International Energy Agency (IEA) on Africa and energy access issues.

Yumkella previously served as Chair of UN-Energy, which promotes inter-agency collaboration on energy at the United Nations, between 2008 and 2015 and was the founding CEO of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative.

Prior to his work at the United Nations, Yumkella was Sierra Leone’s Minister for Trade, Industry and State Enterprises and an assistant professor at Michigan State University.

Yumkella’s work for the IEA will include advising on the agency’s 2019 special report on Africa, which will identify key issues and priorities to promote energy development across Africa.

Source: ESI Africa, IEA