$453 M Manitoba-Minnesota transmission line approved

Canada: Amarjeet Sohi, Canada's minister of natural resources, confirmed that the $453 M Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project has been approved.


Canada: Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s minister of natural resources, confirmed that the $453 M Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project has been approved.

The federal government is giving the green light to a massive transmission line project that will see Manitoba hydroelectricity sent south of the border, following months of discussions between Ottawa and the Manitoba government.

The transmission line will link generating stations in northern Manitoba through the Bipole III transmission line and across the U.S. border. It is expected to increase Manitoba’s electricity export capacity to 3,185 MW, up from 2,300 MW.

National Energy Board recommended approving the proposal and put 28 conditions on the project. The federal government says five of them must be amended to accommodate concerns raised by Indigenous groups.

Source: CBC