Pfisterer optimises 66 kV connection technology for offshore applications

The Seanex inner cone solution by Pfisterer is an offshore variant of the successful Connex HV connection system that is specially adapted for 66 kV inter-array cabling.


The Seanex inner cone solution by Pfisterer is an offshore variant of the successful Connex HV connection system that is specially adapted for 66 kV inter-array cabling.

The new offshore accessories combines all the proven performance features – salt water resistance, solid insulation, pluggable and touch-safe – yet it is much more compact, lighter in weight, and lower in cost. Moreover, the mechanically robust inner cone technology offers clear advantages in terms of installation, corrosion resistance and reliability in harsh environments.

The optimised Seanex HV connector together with the corresponding cast resin joint forms a perfect fitting for connecting and cabling 66 kV offshore wind farms. Pfisterer adapted the system specifically for this application. “Because of the growing number of projects, and particularly with the changeover from 33 to 66 kV in the wind farm networks, we set ourselves the goal of optimising our existing solution for even easier and more flexible wind turbine installation. The inner cone technology is optimally suited for this application and guarantees reliability and durability well beyond the projected operational life of a wind farm. In combination with the cast resin joint, the solution is unique,” explains Dr. Peter Müller, Head of Renewables at Pfisterer. During the development process, HV specialists at Pfisterer always kept the design-to-cost principle in mind. Accordingly, the HV fittings have been strictly optimised for offshore requirements. Thanks to a significantly more compact design, the new cast resin joint measures just 39 cm long and weighs 28 kg. “Aside from the lower costs, these advantages give our customers greater flexibility for handling and installing the HV fittings,” Müller points out.

Source: Pfisterer