Pali substation upgrade to beat deadline

India, Noida: Upgrade of the Pali substation in GB Nagar is ahead of the schedule. The project is to boost the capacity of the substation which will supplement the electricity supply of Noida and Greater Noida.




India, Noida: Upgrade of the Pali substation in GB Nagar is ahead of the schedule. The project is to boost the capacity of the substation  which will supplement the electricity supply of Noida and Greater Noida.

The deadline is 31st  May but by mid-May, extra 500 MVA of electricity will be drawn through the 400 kV substation following the enhancement, reports The Times of India.

Extra 500 MVA transformer will be installed by Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Ltd and added to the existing three 315 MVA transformers at Pali. GB Nagar district will be supplied from Pali so the project is important, especially since the station will have to meet heightened electricity demand when temperature peaks in May-June.

“The project won’t be delayed unless there are any unforeseen circumstances. We expect to manage escalation of power demand in the days ahead by timely completion of the project.” said A P Singh, superintending engineer, UPPTCL.

Source: The Times of India