Fire shuts down transformers at Duke Energy facility on Weedon Island

USA, Florida: A fire shut down three out of four power transformers at the Duke Energy facility on Weedon Island.




USA, Florida: A fire shut down three out of four power transformers at the Duke Energy facility on Weedon Island.

According to Sterling Ivey, Duke Energy spokesman, a fire broke out around midnight when a transformer failed and started a fire in one of the steam turbine transformers. Two other transformers were shut down for safety reasons, reports Bay News 9.

He added that the fire had not affected electricity supply and the facility can continue to operate.

There were no reported injuries and the fires was brought under control. A second fire occured after embers from the first fire were sucked into a nearby turbine air intake, catching that on fire.

“It’s an extensive operation due to the accessibility.” said Lt. Steve Lawrence of St. Petersburg Fire Rescue. “We have to get crews inside and over to the top of the filter to fully extinguish it.”

Source: Bay News 9