Singapore power company fined $1.75 M for two substation fire incidents

SP Power Grid has been fined a total of $1.75 M by the Energy Market Authority for two substation fire incidents that led to power failures earlier this year.


Singapore: SP Power Grid (SPPG) has been fined a total of $1.75 M by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) for two substation fire incidents at Carlton Hotel and Bright Hill that led to power failures earlier this year.

A $1 M fine was imposed on the national grid operator for the incident at Carlton Hotel on Feb 14, which caused a disruption in electricity supply to some areas in central Singapore.

EMA’s investigations found that the power failure was due to a short circuit in the substation switchgear, which started a fire.

The electricity industry regulator determined that the incident could have been prevented had SPPG complied with its standard operating procedure for monitoring work.

SPPG was fined $750,000 for the incident at the substation in Bright Hill on Jan 26 which caused a power outage that lasted about 11/2 hours and affected some 27,000 residents.

EMA’s investigations showed a faulty voltage transformer (VT) had started the fire in the substation, and SPPG had been using the faulty VT beyond the manufacturer’s recommended lifespan.

Source: Strait Times