Canada helps fund Northern Transformer’s green retrofit

Northern Transformer has received a repayable contribution of $3 M from FedDev Ontario to help implement ‘clean’ technologies and reduce its environmental footprint.


Canada: Northern Transformer, which designs and manufactures industrial power transformers in Canada, has received a repayable contribution of $3 M from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) to help implement ‘clean’ technologies and reduce its environmental footprint.

The funding will support a nearly $11.7 M retrofit of Northern Transformer’s facility with new equipment, including vapour phase drying technology that will save energy compared to conventional heating processes and remove humidity more efficiently.

The project is also intended to help reduce processing time, increase production volume, respond to demand for the replacement of aging power transformers and gain market share across North America.

Established in 1981, the company has supplied more than 500 transformers to the North American utility market. In 2016, it relocated all operations—including research and development (R&D), design, production and testing—to its current facility.

Source: EB mag