Australian company Goldwind energises Tasmanian substation

Australia: The substation and transmission line for Goldwind's 144 MW Cattle Hill wind farm in Australia have been completed and energised.


Australia: The substation and transmission line for Goldwind’s 144 MW Cattle Hill wind farm in Australia have been completed and energised.

Six of the 48 Goldwind 3 MW turbines have been installed at the site on the shore of Lake Echo in Tasmania, with commissioning to start soon.

Goldwind Australia managing director John Titchen said: “Goldwind is pleased to be partnering with TasNetworks to achieve successful energisation of the substation for the Cattle Hill wind farm project.”

Construction of the wind farm is planned for completion by the end of 2019.

Once the turbines are commissioned and generating power later this year, electricity will be fed via transmission line to the Waddamana substation and then into the state-wide transmission network.

Source: ReNews