Distribution automation solutions market to grow by approximately 12 %

The global market for distribution automation solutions is expected to grow by 11.69 % between 2019 and 2023, this is according to research firm, Technavio.


The global market for distribution automation solutions is expected to grow by 11.69 % between 2019 and 2023, this is according to research firm, Technavio.

The market is expected to generate up to $10.43 B per annum, owing to an increase in utility investments in technologies such as data analytics.

35 % of the market revenue is anticipated will come from the Asia Pacific region. Europe is expected to register significant growth due to the various government initiatives being taken up in the region.

An increase in the adoption of smart grid technologies to detect and react to the local changes in power consumption is driving the market.

Utilities are heavily investing in solutions such as smart meters, transformer and feeder monitoring systems, and smart power monitoring devices to automate their grid networks.

The aim is to detect and quickly respond to power outages as well as to meet changing consumer demands.

Moreover, the processes are improving the efficiency of grid networks whilst enabling the integration of distributed energy resources.

Source: ESI Africa