Hydro One energizes 230 kV transmission line

Canada: Hydro One, with Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation announced the completion of the Niagara Reinforcement Line.


Canada: Hydro One, with Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation, a community-owned corporation of the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation announced the completion of the Niagara Reinforcement Line.

This line was completed in collaboration with these First Nations and is expected to provide long-term benefits through an equity ownership model, which could serve as a framework for future infrastructure projects across Ontario.

The Niagara Reinforcement Line is a 76 km double-circuit, 230 kV transmission line primarily along an existing Hydro One right-of-way between Allanburg Transformer Station and Middleport Transformer Station. The line was brought to completion by A6N, a joint venture between Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation and Aecon Group Inc.

As part of this the project’s partnership model, both First Nation partners are planned to have an equity ownership in the line, which would provide an annual income to these partners over the life of the asset, supporting investments in local community priorities. This First Nations ownership agreement is expected to be finalized in the coming weeks.

Source: T&D World