Optimization of transformers efficiency

Our author, Michel Sacotte, former Vice President of Standardization & Prescriptions for transformers at Schneider Electric, with 45 years of experience in this field, explains the details of the so-called eco-design regulation in our October edition.


Many countries are setting strategic targets for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.

In the energy sector such targets include:

  • cut in greenhouse gas emissions
  • certain percentage of energy should come from renewables
  • improvement in energy efficiency, etc.

In order to achieve these targets, power equipment, including transformers, must fulfil minimum energy efficiency requirements. Improvements in the technology of transformers will improve the energy efficiency, but in practice, only the improvement in the performance of magnetic steel will allow a larger and global improvement of efficiency.

Our author, Michel Sacotte, former Vice President of Standardization & Prescriptions for transformers at Schneider Electric, with 45 years of experience in this field, explains the details of the so-called eco-design regulation in our October edition article.

How to reduce losses and achieve optimum transformers efficiency?

How to improve the magnetic steel performance?

How to make the best economic choice given the price of transformers and the price of energy consumed by transformers?

How to choose the transformer in order to ensure the best total cost of ownership?

Subscribe today, read full article in the October edition of Transformers Magazine.