SPECO won transformer procurement contract in Greece

Greece: On October 22nd, SPECO successfully won the procurement contract for 7 units of 280 MVA / 400 kV three-phase auto-transformers with Greece's IPTO (Independent Power Transmission Operator).


Greece: On October 22nd, SPECO successfully won the procurement contract for 7 units of 280 MVA / 400 kV three-phase auto-transformers with Greece’s IPTO (Independent Power Transmission Operator).

In recent years, SPECO has been working on increasing market shares in the European region. Up until now, among all the Chinese companies, SPECO has obtained the largest contract amount awarded by the IPTO. SPECO say they will continue to be committed to providing the best equipment and service to European customers, and contribute to the power construction in the European region.

Source: TM