Netherlands-Denmark HVDC test successful

Denmark: Cable supplier Prysmian completes final high-voltage direct current test for 700 MW submarine interconnector CobraCable line between Denmark and the Netherlands.


Denmark: Cable supplier Prysmian completes final high-voltage direct current test for 700 MW submarine interconnector CobraCable line between Denmark and the Netherlands.

Prysmian had secured this project in February 2016 with a contract awarded by TenneT TSO B.V. and Energinet SOV, operators of the Dutch and Danish power transmission grids, respectively.

The COBRAcable interconnector produces benefits for both Denmark and the Netherlands, ensuring a reliable energy supply in the two countries. It also contributes to the development of a sustainable international energy landscape, a key priority for the European Union, which is supporting the project through the EEPR (European Energy Programme for Recovery).

As a one-stop-shop solution provider, Prysmian supplied and installed a ±320 kV HVDC bipole system, using single-core cables with extruded insulation technology and running for a total route of around 325 km, from Eemshaven (NL) to Endrup (DK) via the German North Sea sector.

The project includes two onshore lengths of 1 km on the Dutch side and 25 km on the Danish side that will connect the two onshore converter stations, provided under separate contract by Siemens.

Source: Offshore Engineer