Special Edition on Substations of Transformers Magazine is now available!

Special Edition on Substations of Transformers Magazine is now available!


TM SE2 digital news

Special Edition of Transformers Magazine dedicated to Substations is now published and available online and for download.

In this issue, we bring you two high-profile interviews, three columns that bring commentary on relevant topics such as substation design, market review, supply chain management and a selection of technical articles and advertorials which present a wide range of topics exploring substation equipment and management. Check out the most relevant topics for you.

If you want to comment on any topic covered in our magazine, present your research or if you have any questions on how to publish your work with us, please follow this link.

In order to ensure your copy of the magazine in print, digital or online version, please subscribe here.

To access the latest edition, click here.

We wish you a joyful reading!

Transformers Magazine team