New transformer factory to be built in Ethiopia

Ethiopia: A transformer factory with a production capacity of over 10,000 power transformers a year will be built in the country.




Ethiopia: A transformer factory with a production capacity of over 10,000 power transformers a year will be built in the country.

The production of transformers is expected to start by the end of the current Ethiopian year, Major Ebuy Gebremedhin, Deputy General Manager and Operation Head with Ethiopia Power Engineering Industry, said.

The first transformer factory in Ethiopia was launched three years ago. There is currently only one transformer factory with a capacity of producing 5,000 transformers a year, reports 2 Merkato. Ethiopia’s  transformer production capacity will rise to 15,000 transformers a year, when the new factory opens. The new factory will also double its production if there is an increase in demand. It will use local raw materials and engage in export after it meets the local demand.

Accordinh to Lieutenant Abrhaley Gebrekidan, head of the factory, the construction will be completed in two months time. Abrhaley commented that the power generating dams including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, will need quality transformers as well a great quantity.

Source: 2 Merkato