NYPA authorizes $52 M to improve digital communication infrastructure

NYPA board of trustees approved $52 M for the final phase of construction for new digital communication systems on NYPA transmission lines.



USA: The New York Power Authority board of trustees approved $52 M for the final phase of construction for new digital communication systems on NYPA transmission lines, improving the efficiency and reliability of the New York State electricity system.

The multiphase communications backbone initiative, first announced in 2017, involves the installation of fiber optic cables and other communications systems connecting NYPA’s 16 power generating facilities and transmission infrastructure to its White Plains office and the Integrated Smart Operations Center.

NYPA’s communications backbone initiative is currently underway across the state. It replaces legacy leased communication circuits with new infrastructure that will increase available bandwidth as more digital assets and sensors come online via NYPA’s concurrent sensor deployment program aimed at adding approximately 100,000 data points – or units of information – for monitoring NYPA equipment.

Source: WNY