800 kV transmission line crosses SW China

China: Extra high voltage direct current (EHVDC) electric power transmission line ran through southwest China on 14 May, after two years of construction.


EHVDC transmission line

Image source: CGTN

China: Extra high voltage direct current (EHVDC) electric power transmission line ran through southwest China on 14 May, after two years of construction.

The 800 kV project covers provincial-level regions of Yunnan and Guizhou in the southwest, and Guangdong and Guangxi in the south, with a total length of 1,452 km.

The project’s construction has been extremely difficult as the line passes through treacherous areas, crossing high-altitude and icy regions, engineers said.

The project will start operation officially next year and is expected to transmit over 33 B kWh of clean hydroelectric energy every year.

Source: CGTN