New transformer substation under construction in Baku

Azerbaijan, Baku: JSC Bakyelektrikshebeke (electricity distribution and sale of Baku) is building a new power substation in Hazi Aslanov, near Baku.




Azerbaijan, Baku: JSC Bakyelektrikshebeke (electricity distribution and sale of Baku) is building a new power substation in Hazi Aslanov, near Baku.
The new 110/35/6 kV substation will be built on the site where the old one is at the moment. Two power transformers will be installed at the new station, reports News Day.
It is estimated that by 2030, electricity consumption in Baku will increase from the current 1,650 MW to 4,000 MW.
After 2006, 22 substations were built or reconstructed in Azerbaijan and during this period, power system in Baku saw growth of 89.6 %. Losses in the power decreased from 16.98 % to 8.9 %. Since then, 2,000 power transformer units have been installed.
Source: News Day
Image: Greg Goebel (Creative Commons Licence)