Edelap replaces power transformer at Dique substation

Argentina, La Plata: Edelap replaced a 40 MVA power transformer at the Dique substation as part of the maintenance plan.




Argentina, La Plata: Edelap replaced a 40 MVA power transformer at the Dique substation as part of the maintenance plan.

According to the report, over 20 workers laboured for 10 days replacing the transformer which weighs 80 tonnes. Furthermore, it was indicated that the transformer was removed and sent for overhaul so it will be available to run again, supporting other facilities, reports El Dia.

Edelap, Argentine power distributor was founded in 1992 and is a subsidiary of AES Argentina. It supplies power to 325,000 customers across Buenos Aires province including the city of La Plata where it is based.

Source: El Dia