And the winner of Best article 2023…

Dear readers, we are happy to announce the winner of Best article 2023!


Best article 2023

And the winner of Best article 2023…

Dear readers,

We are happy to announce the winner of Best article 2023! Transformers Magazine would like to thank all of you who voted – your opinion and insights are valuable, guiding us in our efforts to be even better. We’re also immensely thankful to all the authors contributing to Transformers Magazine.

Without further ado,

the voters’ choice of the best article for 2023 is:


Overcoming hurdles: Challenges in testing and validating wind turbine transformers with electronic tap changers

The article by ­­­­­­Uğur Yayan and Osman Yılmaz, published in Volume 10 Issue 4, won the title with 175 votes. Here is what the winners said:

“FASTAP technology aims to disrupt the existing Wind Energy market with a new very fast electronic on-load tap changer transformer technology for wind turbines, offering a new vision of power generation: responsive, flexible, and adaptive. This technology developed under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 grant agreement No 971145 is the fruit of an outstanding effort and collaboration. Strongly believing that this article enlightens the standardization activities regarding power transformers and electronic tap changers. We’re delighted to learn that the efforts we put into Transformers Magazine were appreciated by its readers.”

Best article 2023
Best article 2023 award

We have also decided to award the Best author, and in this case, this was Bhaba Das! His articles received 221 votes cumulatively! Here is what he had to say:

“Thank you to the Transformer’s Magazine team for this recognition.

I realized the need to write articles in an accessible format and in plainspeak when I transitioned from Research and Development to Business Development. This enabled the content to reach a much wider audience in our industry. Transformers magazine has provided me with the best platform to do this. Upon seeing the interest that the articles generated , I was motivated to write more about concepts which I discussed with various end users through the course of my work. The overwhelming number of votes received for my articles reinforces the fact that I have been able to connect with the audience. So, thank you to all who voted for my articles. It is very humbling and motivates me even more to keep contributing, sharing and continue the journey.”

Best author 2023
Best author 2023 award


The winners of the award will receive a free Transformers Magazine’s Industry Navigator conference fee.


If you are an author, and want to contribute and also compete for this award, you can do this by submitting an article. We’ve just announced a Call for papers for our first special edition of the year, focusing on Sustainable investments, which will be published in May!

In appreciation of the voters’ efforts, we are giving away one-year complimentary subscriptions to ten randomly chosen voters. The lucky winners will be notified by email, so check your inbox to see if you are one of them!

Thank you very much for participating, thank you to all our authors for contributing, and we hope to bring you only the best articles going forward!