‘Benefits and Application of Online PD Monitoring in Transformers’, webinar presented by Dr Marco Tozzi

Camlin Energy welcomes you to join our webinar on the ‘Benefits and Application of Online PD Monitoring in Transformers’, on 31st May 2023.




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Camlin Energy welcomes you to join our webinar on the ‘Benefits and Application of Online PD Monitoring in Transformers’, on 31st May 2023. The webinar will be presented by Dr Marco Tozzi, Senior Technical Advisor Camlin Energy, an industry expert with almost 20 years of experience.

Partial Discharges (PD) are widely recognised as a key indicator of transformer insulation quality. This drives the need for continuous monitoring of PD to evaluate the effectiveness of a transformer’s insulation. However, it is not just a case of measuring the PD that exists – there are many challenges which impact the ability to detect compare and analyse PD.

What can you expect to learn?
The session will start right back at the beginning of the life of a transformer, in the factory, where PD testing is mandatory, continuing through its implementation in the field and throughout its active service life. Marco will explain how PD events begin and evolve during the lifecycle of the transformer. We will then look at the key challenges that exist with monitoring PD and the range of influencing factors that impact the ability to understand and analyze PD events clearly.

Presenting – Dr Tozzi
Dr Marco Tozzi holds a M.S. degree and Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering. From 2005 to 2011 Marco was involved in research activity on the diagnostics of insulating systems by Partial Discharges analysis. Joining Camlin Energy Marco held position of Senior Product Manager and was involved in designing solutions for holistic transformer monitoring. Since 2022 he has been Sr. Technical Advisor for Camlin Energy, involved in asset diagnostics, consultancy services and optimization of monitoring and maintenance programs. Marco is and author or co-author of more than 40 technical and scientific papers.

Camlin Energy have decades of experience in transformer monitoring and diagnostics. Pioneers in the industry, we have the best sensor and monitoring technology, advanced yet easy to interpret software and our advanced digital solutions and expert services.

Join us on 31st May 2023 – Register Now